The following post is part of a series of blogs written by TazWorks Partners who will be attending TazWorks LIVE! To learn more about the event, click here. 

Data sourcing is a vital process for many businesses that rely on public records for background screening, consumer reporting, and other purposes. However, not all data is created equal. Without expertise and controls, some data can become low-quality, irrelevant, or redundant. Poor data poses significant risks to your business’s reputation, as it can lead to errors, legal issues, or incorrect decisions. 

How can you avoid irrelevant data and get intelligent data instead? To get intelligent data, you need intelligent searches that include features like transparent delivery expectations and customizable criteria to meet your needs. With these intelligent search features, you get intelligent data that is high-quality, relevant, and accurate. 

Reliable ETA for On-Time Delivery 

Data retrieval is a complex and time-sensitive process that involves accessing public records from various jurisdictions. This process can be delayed by factors like privacy regulations, courthouse resources, and unforeseen events.  

How can you avoid unexpected disruptions from these delays? One solution is to use a sourcing provider with delivery estimates like Omni Data Retrieval’s ETA 2.0 feature. ETA 2.0 provides accurate and transparent delivery estimates for search requests. 

ETA 2.0 allows you to track the progress of your pending searches within 24 hours, giving you the critical information you need to plan. You don’t have to call for updates, as the system shows you when to expect your data. As one long-term Florida-based consumer reporting agency (CRA) puts it, “Omni understands the critical importance of providing us with accurate information and they also work diligently to get it to us in a timely manner.” According to Omni Data reporting, with a track record of reliably exceeding 97% on-time delivery, Omni Data Retrieval is committed to delivering predictive ETAs forecasted with a high level of accuracy you can count on. 

Advanced Search Functionality With Custom Criteria 

Data reconciliation and reporting can be challenging when you must deal with multiple records of varying relevance and reliability. You may have clients who want to exclude certain types of data, such as non-conviction data or traffic-related offenses. How can you filter out the data you don’t need and easily access what you’re looking for? 

Omni Data Retrieval’s custom search criteria feature is one solution for unique data needs. This feature allows you to request specific filters for every order, at the individual search level. You can filter based on your clients’ needs, such as: 

  • Charge Levels: Felony, Misdemeanor, Traffic, Infractions 
  • Charge Descriptions: DUI, Drug Related 
  • Charge Dispositions: Conviction, Non-Conviction 
  • Search Length: Standard, Extended, Specific To Charge Levels 

These filters are applied as soon as you place your order, ensuring that you only receive the cases that match your requirements. You don’t have to worry about extra data that you don’t need. 

With Omni Data Retrieval’s custom search criteria feature, you can improve efficiency by focusing on the narrow fields that are relevant to your specific needs. This feature saves you time and resources by eliminating the need to weed through excess data. It’s the difference between ready-to-use data and a long quality control queue before your clients see it. 

Enhancing Public Records Research With Expertise and Specialized Know-How 

Omni Data Retrieval’s team of experienced professionals understand the importance of expertise in data quality. By leveraging intelligent search techniques, delivery transparency, and customized search criteria, Omni enhances data quality, relevance, and timeliness. 

Omni’s commitment to delivering smart, efficient, and high-touch search solutions can help Consumer Reporting Agencies increase automation, ensure data quality and accuracy, and avoid the pitfalls of irrelevant data. Interested in learning more about Omni Data Retrieval’s ETA 2.0 and custom search filters?  Contact them today.  

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