
Powerful Business Intelligence for Screening Agencies

Consumer Reporting Agency Business Intelligence

The best way to grow your business is to understand your business. TazInsights™ is a CRA business intelligence (BI) and analytics tool that delivers critical data-based insights to help you make informed decisions. 

TazInsights™ Gives You Unlimited Ways to Look at Your Data

Our integrated business intelligence tool enables our customers to use dynamic reporting to analyze profitability, measure performance, and improve forecasting.

Data cylinder icon

Drill Deep Into Data

Access preprogrammed and preconfigured BI reports and dashboards.

Bar graph icon with arrow going from the bottom left to the top right above the bars.

Analyze Profitability

Make your business more profitable by understanding where your best margins and volume is coming from.

Analytics dashboard icon

Measure Performance

Measure performance and compare and contrast the productivity of employees, clients and products.

Chat with our experts — We want to learn more about your business and how we can work together.