
Step-By-Step Software Walkthroughs 

A Powerful Way To Improve Productivity

TazHelp™ guides users through every aspect of TazWorkssoftware, ensuring that your organization gets the most out of the platform. Plus, it’s powered by WalkMe, the industry’s leading digital adoption platform. Revolutionize your onboarding and training processes while dramatically improving software proficiency and adoption. 

Powered by WalkMe™
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Benefits of Software Walkthroughs

Icon of groups of horizontal lines all merging towards the middle to form a right pointing arrow

Streamline Onboarding

Icon of hands using a mobile phone

In-App Access to Knowledge Base

Icon of check mark inside of check box

Helps Users Stay Current

Icon of a support person

Real-Time Connection to TazSupport

Icon of a happy face

Improves Overall User Experience

Icon of a line chart going up with small dips and an upwards pointing arrow

Improves Productivity & Efficiency

Icon of a person walking up a bar chart with the last bar being an upwards pointing arrow and a floating circle with a check mark in it

Increases Employee Expertise

Allows Managers to Assess Proficiency

Set of 4 circles overlapping each other slightly horizontally. From left to right there is a head shot picture of a women followed by another women then a man and finally a tazworks circle icon.

What are people saying?

TazWorks Software Walkthroughs are changing the game for CRA onboarding and training.

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