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Drug screening collection instructions now added for Quest Orders

We have added a section to the substance abuse page where you can add drug screening collection instructions. These instructions will be passed to Quest.

Tazworks software menu for substance aboue detection with collection instructons highlighted

When you add collection instructions they will appear in the Dispatching section on the search editor as Vendor Instructions.

Editing Collection Instructions

If you need to make any changes to the Collection Instructions, you will have to cancel and resend the updated search with your new collection instructions to Quest.
To make changes, click cancel dispatch on the search editor screen.

Tazworks software menu substance abuse detection with the cancel dispatch button marked

Then click Change Collection Info to update your collection instructions.

tazworks software screenshot of dispatching / processing information with a select/change collection info box marked

When you’re done making your changes, click Save to send the updated search back to Quest.

Collection Instructions in QuickApp

Instructions appear when ordering through QuickApp as well. When you order through QuickApp, the applicant will not be able to see the collection instructions.
If you haven’t set up your Quest Integration, you can learn how to set it up here. If you’re already set up with Quest, you can view our complete guide to Quest Substance Abuse Screen Ordering here!

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