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Adverse action reminder emails now available

You can now set up emails to to help remember when it’s time for you or your client to send an adverse action notice to an applicant after a pre-adverse action notice has already been sent. You can set this reminder to go out any specified number of days after the pre-adverse action notice, according to your clients’ policies and instructions.
Notifications are set on a per-client basis. To set up reminder emails for adverse action, go to Admin >> Client Configuration >> Disclosures tab.

client configuration menu with the disclosures box marked

To turn this feature on, check the “Send reminder to send Adverse” box.
You can then indicate when you or your client would like to receive the notification based on how many days it has been since the pre-adverse notice was sent to the applicant, as well as who should receive that notification. This feature allows for multiple emails if needed, separated by commas, so that you can make sure all the right people are notified.

employment pre-adversee & adverse action automation menu with a red mark around the send reminder to send adverse checkbox

Once a pre-adverse action letter has ben sent to the applicant, the reminder will be emailed out according to the settings you configure here, notifying you of the following: “This email is to remind you to send the Adverse Action letter for [Applicant Name] [File Number] per your account settings.”

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