Go mobile to improve the candidate background screening experience
The smartphone that you are likely reading this on right now wasn’t always that smart. The humble beginnings of the mobile devices, what would become endearingly referred to as smartphones, are perhaps an era that most people have put behind them. From three-pound bricks that held 30 minutes of talk time, to handheld supercomputers that harbor information about nearly every facet of our lives, the mobile phone is perhaps the single most society-altering advancement in generations.
The background screening industry has seen a similarly meteoric rise in functionality in recent years. When background checks first emerged as an industry, the process was painstakingly slow and performed manually with fax machines, dial-up modems, court runners, paper files, and slow operating systems. Then, with the eventual digitization of most court records in the early 2000s, background screening became a much more seamless and cost-effective endeavor and grew the entire industry as a whole.
The quantum leaps that both mobile phones and background screening technology have made have set the stage for a valuable advancement once more, bringing the digitized background screening process to mobile users. This not only creates a new convenience for applicants and end users, it also affords new power to property owners and employers and transforms how to find new tenants and hire new recruits.
Smartphone web browsing on the rise 
Virtually everyone has access to a smartphone today. And for better or for worse, most people spend a large portion of their day looking at a mobile screen. As a result, two-thirds of all web traffic takes place on mobile devices today. As for the business of background screening, it means that you need to adapt to the medium that your end users have gravitated towards – smart devices.
A well-known issue in the background screening industry is getting an applicant to commit to completing the application process. This is due to many factors, including inaccessibility, lengthy applications, and a clunky user interface that leads to a frustrated user giving up on the process. Ultimately, the burden lies on your business to deliver a user experience that meets or exceeds your candidate’s expectations.
Offering mobile-enabled background screening services undoubtedly appeals to your users. Giving consumers the ability to stay on their phones to complete background questionnaires simplifies and accelerates the entire process for all involved, increases your completion rate, and provides a better overall user experience.
Reach consumers how they want to be reached
In the age of robocalls and scam artists, the sight of an unknown phone number showing up on your smartphone can spark anxiety and dread in just about anyone. With 97 percent of mobile phone owners sending at least one text a day and three-in-four millennials preferring text over phone calls, how long will it be until they take the “phone” out of “smartphone”?
It has been shown that people would like to receive text alerts from businesses rather than phone calls or emails. Yet, only a small percentage of individuals say they get adequate correspondence from companies they interact with. Additionally, the average phone call lasts two minutes, while sending a mass text takes only seconds. Compounding that against how many people you need to reach, there simply aren’t enough hours in the day to call everyone. If you opt with a calling strategy to reach out to your customers, the numbers show that you simply will not reach your audience as effectively as you could.
By opting with a text-dominant correspondence strategy, you will immediately find that the benefits are staggering. Texting is more efficient for business operations; it’s the preferred method of communication and helps people stay on task. Everyone wins! 
Empower efficient business practices with TazWorks QuickApp
More and more, we are beginning to see background screening companies offering mobile-enabled options for background check applicants. With continuing advancement in technology, it is certainly a good idea to look into adopting and implementing the service for your business as well.
TazWork’s proprietary mobile background screening solution, QuickApp, is a powerful digital application that drives hiring efficiency and assists in obtaining consent for background checks. QuickApp is highly customizable and intuitive for both backend and client-facing users to navigate, effectively slashing the time and effort it takes to submit a background screening application in half.
With TazWork’s QuickApp, candidates first receive an electronic invitation through email or text. The candidate inputs their data, ensuring accuracy, and receives a confirmation of completion when they are done. QuickApp seamlessly integrates with TazCloud’s world-class background screening platform, keeping all of your business operations in one place. Best of all, we have found that over 90% of applicants who start a candidate application with TazQuickApp, complete the entire process!
TazQuickView offers the industry’s most user-friendly, most simple and secure disclosure delivery tool. TazQuickView allows users to distribute and manage disclosure letters to consumers. QuickView is agile and can be sent through text message or email using one of ten letter types. TazQuickView is an easy to use interface, gives users control of the disclosure process and increases efficiency while decreasing overhead costs.
Mobile functionality is the new status quo that is expected from end users interacting with a business. By offering your traditional services on a mobile interface, you are ensuring that the process is simple, communication with your customers is streamlined, and you are getting work done as quickly and efficiently as possible. Don’t resist the change, contact TazWorks today to begin integrating mobile functionality into your background screening business.

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