Submitting an XML Request

The top-level elements of the XML request contain a userId and password attribute for authenticating to the gateway. The type attribute contains the name of the screening product to order. The user credentials and the product name are all configured, per client, by the background screening agency through the web-based interface.

The ReferenceId element is provided for the client to transmit any sort of file identifier, reference data, or other information of its choosing. The reference id is echoed back, unmodified, in subsequent XML communications.

The PersonalData element contains identifying information about the applicant who is the subject of the background screening report, including name, aliases, social security number, date of birth, and address.

The Screenings element contains Screening elements which indicate which of the available searches should be ordered. Each element contains a type attribute indicating which search is to be ordered, as well as other search specific information, such as driver’s license number, reference contact information, or criminal search jurisdictions.

The Screenings element also contains AdditionalItems elements which are used primarily to set flags that control various modes of operation of the gateway. However, the x:monthly_rent and x:monthly_income items are used to pass in additional information about the applicant. As well, the x:ordernotes items may be used as a catch-all to pass in any additional information pertaining to the applicant or the order.

The x:interface item controls into which workflow the order is placed. If a value of “Instant” is passed in, the order will be immediately submitted for processing. If a value of “Applicant” is passed in, only the applicant’s name and email address need be submitted. The system will then send an email to the applicant inviting him or her to login to the web-based interface to complete the data entry process. If omitted, the default value is ‘Instant’.

The gateway will post XML status notification messages to the client’s URL endpoint, if any, provided in x:postback_url. The XML message will be the value of a POST parameter named “Status”. The URL endpoint is simply a web page or web service hosted in the client’s environment that can accept and process the XML message according to the client’s business rules (e.g. updating a status column in the ATS, sending an alert, etc.). XML messages are sent when individual searches are completed on a report and when the overall report is completed. If credentials are provided in x:postback_username, x:postback_password, and/or x:postback_databaseset, those will be included in the XML message. If the client does not wish to receive XML messages, no value should be provided in x:postback_url.

The x:embed_credentials item controls whether the URLs returned for report access are encoded with embedded credentials to allow one-click viewing of the report, or if following the link will first require user authentication. Setting the value to “TRUE” will return URLs with the embedded credentials, setting the value to “FALSE” will return the link requiring authentication. If user access to the link will be provided outside of an authenticated system, such as email, the latter is recommended.

***Starting Q2 of 2020 links with embedded credentials will only be active for 20 minutes. If a new link is needed, you will need to request this via the API Gateway. See “Example XML – Requesting Expiring URL Inquiry” on the “Determining Order Status” page for more details.***

Test Cases

There are two test cases that can be used. The test cases only are identified by the SSN number. When using these test cases no charges are incurred. Other SSN numbers or no SSN number will incur charges.

SSNFirst NameLast NameComments
111-22-3333JoeCleanClear / Good results
333-22-1111HankMessRecords / Bad results

Gateway URL

The client sends an XML request to the gateway via HTTP POST to /send/interchange using a single HTTP request form parameter named “request“. All XML communications are processed through a publicly available HTTPS protocol URL. Please note that we require TLS 1.2 or newer.

Gateway Request XML

Top-Level, BackgroundCheck Element

@userIdYesThe user id used for authenticating to the gateway. Configured, per client, by the background screening agency. String (50 char)
@passwordYesThe password used for authenticating to the gateway. Configured, per client, by the background screening agency. String (50 char)
BackgroundSearchPackageYes(See the BackgroundSearchPackage Element section for more information.)
UserAreaNoOptional credit card to be charged according to client configuration. (See the BackgroundSearchPackage/UserArea Element section for more information.)

BackgroundSearchPackage Element

@actionYesPossible values include: submit|status|searchstatus|add|addcharge|url
@typeYesContains the name of the screening product to order. Configured, per client, by the background screening agency.
LinkedApplicantsNoFor tenant background checks, to link applicants use
OrganizationNo(See the Organization Element section for more information.)
PersonalDataYesName, Address, and other personal information about the applicant. (See the PersonalData Element section for more information.)
ReferenceIdNoString (64 char) Provides for the client to transmit any sort of file identifier, reference data, or other information of its choosing. The reference id is echoed back, unmodified, in subsequent XML communications. If Reference is not used, ReferenceId is copied into Reference.
Accepted characters: A-Z 0-9 ! @ # $ % ^ * ( ) _ – + = . ,
ReferenceNoString (64 char) The Reference can be used for human visible type data like location or client name. The Reference will show up in the InstaScreen user interface.
Accepted characters: A-Z 0-9 ! @ # $ % ^ * ( ) _ – + = . ,
ScreeningsYesThe screenings requested for the applicant. (See the Screenings Element section for more information.)
SupportingDocumentationNo(See the Supporting Documentation Element section for more information.)
UserAreaNoOptional fields to include in an order. (See the BackgroundCheck/BackgroundSearchPackage/UserArea Element section for more information.)

Organization Element

BackgroundCheck/BackgroundSearchPackage/ OrganizationRequiredDescription
@typeYesx:requesting | x:substitute
OrganizationNameNoThis is the client name. Only necessary if ordering for sub-accounts. Either OrganizationName and/or OrganizationCode can be used when needed. Max length: 64
OrganizationCodeNoThis is the client code. Only necessary if ordering for sub-accounts. Either OrganizationName and/or OrganizationCode can be used when needed. Max length: 64
OrganizationUserNoThe client user’s name. Names must be submitted in “Lname, Fname” format. If no Lname the format is “, Fname”. Fname: String (32 chars)
Lname: String (32 chars) The total maximum String length including the comma and space between the Fname and Lname is 64 chars.


<BackgroundCheck userId="XML_User_Name" password="*********">
  <BackgroundSearchPackage action="submit" type="test order">
    <Organization type="x:requesting">
      <!-- Only necessary if ordering for sub-accounts -->
      <OrganizationName>Armory Confidential Services</OrganizationName>
      <!-- Only necessary if ordering for sub-accounts -->
      <!-- Names must be submitted in "Lname, Fname" format. If no Lname it would be ", Fname" -->
      <OrganizationUser>Cousteau, Jacques</OrganizationUser>

Sample syntax for posting over the end-user-client name

<BackgroundCheck userId="XML_User_Name" password="*********">
  <BackgroundSearchPackage action="submit" type="test order">
    <Organization type="x:substitute">
      <OrganizationName>My Substitute End User</OrganizationName>

PersonalData Element

BackgroundCheck/BackgroundSearchPackage/ PersonalDataRequiredDescription
PersonNameYesThe name of the applicant (See the PersonName Element section for more information.)
PostalAddressNoAn element containing the applicant’s postal address. A PersonalData element may contain more than one PostalAddress element. (See the PostalAddress Element section below.)
TelephoneNoString (24 char)
SendTextNoSend QuickApp via text in addition to email. Default is No. Yes | No
EmailAddressNoString (256 char)
RaceNoString (32 char)
DemographicDetail/GovernmentIdNoSSN number or driver’s license
DemographicDetail/GovernmentId/@issuing AuthorityNoSSN or DMV
DemographicDetail/GovernmentId/@country CodeNoUS
DemographicDetail/GovernmentId/@jurisdicti onNoState abbreviation if issuingAuthority is DMV
Aliases/PersonNameNoThere may be zero or more PersonName elements in the Alias element. (See the PersonName Element section for more information.)

PostalAddress Element

@typeNocurrent|previous If more than one address is submitted, the primary address must have a type attribute value of “current“. All others must have a type attribute of “previous“.
CountryCodeNoCountry. The default value is “US” and is not required for domestic addresses. For international addresses, use the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code.
PostalCodeNoString (32 char)
RegionNoFor domestic addresses, use the USPS 2-letter state abbreviations.
MunicipalityNoString (32 char)
DeliveryAddress/AddressLineNoString (63 char)


  <PostalAddress type="current">
    <Municipality>Pine Bluffs</Municipality>
      <AddressLine>123 Main</AddressLine>
  <PostalAddress type="previous">
      <AddressLine>3204 Lucerne</AddressLine>
  <PostalAddress type="previous">
      <AddressLine>8 Chemin William Barbey</AddressLine>

PersonName Element

GivenNameYesString (32 char)
FamilyNameYesString (64 char)
MiddleNameNoString (32 char)
NoMiddleNameNoTrue | False
AffixNoOptional Generation Valid values are JR, SR, I, II, III, and IV

Screenings Element

@useConfigurationDefaultsNoYes|No The default value is No. Use this attribute set to Yes to order all searches set to DEFault or REQuired in the product. When using Yes, Screening (singular) tags are only required for searches that provide additional information like employment verifications, residence verifications, instant driving records, etc.
ScreeningNoThe Screeningselement may contain one or more Screening.One Screenings element per order. (See the Screening Element section for more information.)
AdditionalItemsNoThe Screenings element may contain zero or more Additional Items, which are used primarily to set flags that control various modes of operation of the gateway. (See the AdditionalItems Element section for more information.)

Screening Element

@typeYesA String value that indicates which search is to be ordered. Possible values include: >assumedname | bankruptcy | civil | credit | criminal | custom |drug | education | employment | eviction | executivesummary | license | lienjudgment | healthcare_compliance | personsearch | reference | resident | scorecard | sex_offender | ssn | workcomp (See the Screening/@name section below for more information about custom types.)
@qualifierSee DescriptionFurther identifies the type of screening. The list of possible values differs depending on the value of Screening/@type @type=”civil”
possible values include:
county | federal @type=”criminal”
possible values include:
county | statewide | federal | international | singlestate | national | national_alias | security @type=”custom”
possible values include:
credentials | drug | identity | investigative | repository | summarization | verification @type=”eviction”
possible values include:
singlestate | national @type=”license”
possible values include:
professional | imvcommercial | imvPersonal @type=”reference”
possible values include:
personal | professional
@nameSee DescriptionWhere the type attribute is custom and the qualifier attribute is one of identity, repository, investigative, verification, credentials, summarization, or drug the name comes from the custom search name in the Manage Custom Searches area. If there is an ampersand in the name, it needs to be submitted as an entity
<Screening type="custom" qualifier="repository"

Credential Searches

Education Verificationtype=education
<Screening type="education">
      <SchoolName>UNIVERSITY OF UTAH</SchoolName>
          <AddressLine>1192 Draper Parkway #401</AddressLine>
      <Degree degreeType="bachelors">
        <DegreeName>COMMUNICATIONS; Graduated: Yes</DegreeName>
          <StringDate>2002-09 TO 2006-01</StringDate>
Instant Driving Recordstype=license qualifier=imvpersonal
<Screening type="license" qualifier="imvPersonal">
If no Duration is included, the default value is determined by the longest non-CDL option available for the specified state. Below are options for durations per state:
AR = 3, 5*
AZ= 3, 5
DC = 3, 10
FL = 3, 7, 99
GA = 3, 7
ME = 3, 10
MN = 0, 99
NC = 3, 7
NY = 3, 7*
SC = 3, 10
TX = 3, 5*
UT = 3, 5*
WY = 3, 10*
* = CDL
Healthcare Compliance Searchtype=healthcare_compliance
<Screening type="healthcare_compliance" />
Professional Licensetype=license qualifier=professional
<Screening type="license" qualifier="professional" />

Drug Searches

Substance Abuse Detectiontype=drug
<Screening type="drug">
  <Panel>Panel Name</Panel>
  <PermissiblePurpose>Pre- Employment</PermissiblePurpose>
Possible values for PermissiblePurpose are: Pre-Employment, Random, Periodic, Post Incident, For Cause, Reasonable Suspicion, Return To Duty, Follow Up, Reconfirmation, Retest, Point of Collection Sampling, Student, or Other Optional Collection Info Specification
<Screening type="drug">
  <Panel>Panel Name</Panel>
  <PermissiblePurpose>Pre- Employment</PermissiblePurpose>
CollectionInfo element is optional
SiteCode only applies to applicable products/configurations Observed only applies to DOT Urine panels and is Yes or No SplitSpecimen only applies to Non-DOT Urine panels and is Yes or No
ExpirationDate format is YYYY-MM-DD
ExpirationTime format is HH:mm:ss (defaults to 23:59:59 if not specified)
Possible values for ExpirationTimeZone are: America/Denver, America/Phoenix, America/Los_Angeles, America/Chicago, America/New_York, America/Juneau, Pacific/Honolulu (defaults to America/Denver or SiteCode time if not specified)
Possible values for TestScheduler are: applicant or processor

Identity Development Searches

Person Searchtype=personsearch
<Screening type="personsearch" />
Social Securitytype=ssn
<Screening type="ssn" />

Investigative Searches

Assumed Name Recordstype=assumedname
<Screening type="assumedname" />
Bankruptcy Filingsbankruptcy
<Screening type="bankruptcy" />
County Civil Recordstype=civil qualifier=countyA screening element for County Civil records can contain a child called “Region” and a child element called “County”. If you do not include a “Region” and “County”, InstaScreen will select the “Region” and “County” from the first address provided.
<Screening type="civil" qualifier="county" />
<Screening type="civil" qualifier="county" >
County Criminal Recordstype=criminal qualifier=countyA element for County Criminal records can contain a child called “Region” and a child element called “County”. If you do not include a “Region” and “County”, InstaScreen will select the “Region” and “County” from the first address provided.
<Screening type="criminal" qualifier="county" />
<Screening type="criminal" qualifier="county" >
Federal Civil Recordstype=civil qualifier=federalA screening element for Federal Civil records can contain a child called “District” and a child element called “Region”. If you do not include a “Region” and “District”, InstaScreen will select the “Region” and “District” from the first address provided.
<Screening type="civil" qualifier="federal" >
  <District>New Mexico</District>
Federal Criminal Recordstype=criminal qualifier=federalA screening element for Federal Criminal records can contain a child called “District” and a child element called “Region”.
<Screening type="criminal" qualifier="federal" >
  <Region>New Mexico</Region>
  <District>New Mexico</District>
Global Security Watch Listtype=criminal qualifier=security
<Screening type="criminal" qualifier="security" />
International Criminal Recordstype=criminal qualifier=international
<Screening type="criminal" qualifier="international" />
Lien and Judgment Filingstype=lienjudgementA screening element for Lien and Judgment Filings can contain a child called “County” and a child element called “Region”. If you do not include a “Region” and “County”, InstaScreen will select the “Region” and “County” from the first address provided.
<Screening type="lienjudgment">
National Criminal Database Alias Searchtype=criminal qualifier=national_alias
<Screening type="criminal" qualifier="national_alias" />
National Criminal Database Searchtype=criminal qualifier=national
<Screening type="criminal" qualifier="national" />
National Rental Records Database Searchtype=eviction qualifier=national
<Screening type="eviction" qualifier="national" />
Sex Offender Recordstype=sex_offenderA screening element for Sex Offender Records can contain a child called “Region”. If you do not include a “Region”, InstaScreen will select the “Region” from the first address provided.
<Screening type="sex_offender">
State Criminal Court Searchtype=criminal qualifier=statewideA screening element for State Criminal Court Search can contain a child called “Region”. If you do not include a “Region”, InstaScreen will select the “Region” from the first address provided.
<Screening type="criminal" qualifier="statewide">
State Criminal Database Searchtype=criminal qualifier=singlestateA screening element for State Criminal Database Search can contain a child called “Region”. If you do not include a “Region”, InstaScreen will select the “Region” from the first address provided.
<Screening type="criminal" qualifier="singlestate">
State Rental Records Database Searchtype=eviction qualifier=singlestateA screening element for State Rental Records Database Search can contain a child called “Region”. If you do not include a “Region”, InstaScreen will select the “Region” from the first address provided.
<Screening type="eviction" qualifier="singlestate">

Verification Searches

Residence Verificationtype=resident

<Screening type="resident" verify="yes">
   <FormattedName>Ramona Propietario</FormattedName>
 <EmailAddress>[email protected]</EmailAddress>
  <AddressLine>3204 Lucerne NE</AddressLine>
  <Comments>These are some resident comments.</Comments>

When an applicant has requested that we do not contact the property, the verify attribute should be set to “no”.

<Screening type="resident" verify="no">
Employment Verificationtype=employment

<Screening type="employment" verify="yes">
  <OrganizationName>Burger Shack</OrganizationName>
  <Title>Fry Cook</Title>
  <!--Valid Frequencies: Hourly, Weekly, Monthly, 
Yearly, Annually, Contract -->
  <Compensation>21.50 Hourly</Compensation>
  <ReasonForLeaving>Moved to Texas</ReasonForLeaving>
   <FormattedName>Susan Boss</FormattedName>
 <EmailAddress>[email protected]</EmailAddress>
  <AddressLine>1192 Main St</AddressLine>

When an applicant has requested that we do not contact the employer, the verify attribute should be set to “no”.

<Screening type="employment" verify="no">
Personal Reference Verificationtype=reference qualifier=personal

<Screening type="reference" qualifier="personal">
   <FormattedName>1 Yolanda Ortega</FormattedName>
   <EmailAddress>[email protected]</EmailAddress>
  <Comments>This is my list of random comments.</Comments>
Professional Reference Verificationtype=reference qualifier=professional

<Screening type="reference" qualifier="professional">
   <FormattedName>1 Yuan Li Xian</FormattedName>
   <EmailAddress>[email protected]</EmailAddress>
  <Comments>This is my list of random comments.</Comments>
Reference Verificationtype=reference

<Screening type="reference">
   <FormattedName>Plain Old Reference</FormattedName>
   <EmailAddress>[email protected]</EmailAddress>
  <Comments>This is my list of random comments.</Comments>
Workers Compensation Reporttype=workcomp
<Screening type="workcomp" />

Other Searches

Scorecard Protype=scorecard
<Screening type="scorecard_pro" />
Tenant Scorecardtype=scorecard
<Screening type="scorecard" />

AdditionalItems Element

BackgroundCheck/BackgroundSearchPackage /Screenings/AdditionalItemsRequiredDescription
@TypeYes(See the AdditionalItems/@Type Values section for possible values for this attribute.)
TextYes(See the AdditionalItems/@Type Values section for possible values.)

AdditionalItems/@Type Values

@Type ValueDescription

for submitting the California Credit Code override value. The validvalues for the override code are one of the following:



   <AdditionalItems type="x:california_credit_code">

The valid values for this code are one of the following:

SCORECARD: request that the Scorecard Decision be returned in the completed XML.

SCORECARD_PRO: request that the Scorecard Pro Decision be returned in the completed XML.

REPORT: request that the Report Decision be returned in the completed XML. The default values returned for REPORT are: Approved (per client specifications), Pending (per client specifications), Negative (per client specifications), Review, Dispute, Pre- Adverse (per client specifications), Declined (per client specifications), and Opt Out (per client specifications).

x:desired_unit The desired apartment number can be passed over in an AdditionalItems element, similar to the monthly rent. String (16 char)

Controls whether the URLs returned for report access are encoded with embedded credentials to allow one-click viewing of the report, or if following the link will first require user authentication. Setting the value to “TRUE” will return URLs with the embedded credentials, setting the value to “FALSE” will return the link requiring authentication. If user access to the link will be provided outside of an authenticated system, suchas email, the latter is recommended.

***Starting Q2 of 2020 links with embedded credentials will only be active for 20 minutes. If a new link is needed, you will need to request this via the API Gateway. See “Example XML – Requesting Expiring URL Inquiry” on the “Determining Order Status” page for more details.***


This is required. It is used for identifying each integration type. Choose a string to identify your company/integration.


   <AdditionalItems type="x:integration_type">

Controls into which workflow the order is placed. If omitted, the default behavior is “INSTANT“.

Value definitions:

REVIEWED” = Order submission goes into the XML Ready queue for processing by CRA/client in InstaScreen.

INSTANT” = Order submission processes automatically according to InstaScreen configuration.

APPLICANT” = Order submission goes into Applicant Pending queue for data entry by the applicant. InstaScreenwill send email invitation to the applicant with a link and instructions for completing the data entry. The submission XML needs a minimum of the applicant’s name, email address, the requested Screening(s) and the QuickApp x:interface flag.

APPLICANT_NO_EMAIL” = Order submission goes into Applicant Pending queue for data entry by the applicant. InstaScreen will not send an email invitation to the applicant, so the third-party will need to communicate the link and instructions to the applicant.


 <BackgroundCheck userId="XML_User_Name" password="*********">
   <BackgroundSearchPackage action="submit" type="DEMO">
    <AdditionalItems type="x:interface">

Note that the QuickApp link comes back in the response XML for both the APPLICANT and APPLICANT_NO_EMAIL x:interface types.

x:monthly_incomeThe amount of income the applicant makes per month. Numeric.
x:monthly_rentThe amount the applicant pays in rent per month. Numeric.
x:ordernotes A catch-all to pass in any additional information pertaining to the applicant or the order.
x:postback_basicauthPost back with HTTP basic authentication
x:postback_databasesetOptional databaseset returned in a post back message.

In order to flag a requesting the report to return in PDF format, add the AdditionalItems element to the Screenings section of the original request XML. With that flag, the report view link that is returned in the XML completed notification will be for the PDF view of the report.


    <AdditionalItems type="x:postback_format">
x:postback_passwordOptional password returned in a post back message.

When using x:postback_url, if you want to suppress the x:partial messages, include x:postback_suppress_xpartial

The valid values for this code are one of the following: true or false

 <AdditionalItems type="x:postback_suppress_xpartial">

The gateway will post XML status notification messages to the client’s URL endpoint, if any, provided in x:postback_url. The XML message will be the value of a POST parameter named “Status“. The URL endpoint is simply a web page or web service hosted in the client’s environment that can accept and process the XML message according to the client’s business rules (e.g. updating a status column in the ATS, sending an alert, etc.). XML messages are sent when individual searches are completed on a report and when the overall report is completed. If credentials are provided in x:postback_username, x:postback_password, and/or x:postback_databaseset, those will be included in the XML message. If the client does not wish to receive XML messages, no value should be provided in x:postback_url.

TazWorks will not install any third-party security certificates in our testing, staging, or production environments. Integrators are required to use SSL Certificates signed by one of the Certificate Authorities included in the Sun Java SE 8.0_121 default trusted certificate keystore. This includes any intermediate or chained SSL certificate(s).

The post back url needs to use port 80 or 443.

x:postback_usernameOptional username returned in a post back message.

Either yes or no.

The following searches are supported by x:return_xml_results: County

Criminal Records Search
Credit Report (Equifax, Experian, Transunion, and Acxiom)
Custom Searches Education Verification Employment Verification Instant Driving Records
National Criminal Database Alias Search National Criminal Database Search National Rental Records Database Search Person Search
Personal Reference Verification Professional Reference Verification PSP Crash And Inspection History Reference Verification
State Criminal Court Search State Criminal Database Search
State Rental Records Database Search Tenant Scorecard


 <AdditionalItems type="x:queue_consumer_disclosure">

Either yes or no.

Applicant’s name returned in a post back message.

*Needs to be approved and enabled by CRA before use.


Either yes or no.

Applicant’s address returned in a post back message.

*Needs to be approved and enabled by CRA before use.


Either yes or no.

Applicant’s SSN returned in a post back message.

*Needs to be approved and enabled by CRA before use.


Either yes or no.

Applicant’s Date of Birth returned in a post back message.

*Needs to be approved and enabled by CRA before use.


Either yes or no.

Applicant’s Drivers License number and state returned in a post back message.

*Needs to be approved and enabled by CRA before use.

SupportingDocumentation Element

@authorizationNoYes|No The default value is No. Use this attribute set to Yes to identify the attachment as an authorization form.
@spouseNoYes|No The default value is No. Use this attribute set to Yes to if the attachment is for the spouse.
OriginalFileNameYesString (64 char) The file name, without path information.
NameYesString (255 char) The display name for the file.
EncodedContentYesWithin the XML message binary files such as .PDF are submitted as base64 encoded content. You can submit multiple documents, each in their own SupportingDocumentation element.


The following is an example of XML for passing over an attachment for the applicant’s file in InstaScreen. Possibly used for this include attaching an applicant release or disclosure form to the submission.

Note. Within the XML message, binary files such as PDF are submitted as base64 encoded content. You can submit multiple documents, each in their own SupportingDocumentation element.

      <Name>Network Hardware Specifications</Name>
        <!—base64 encoded file contents go here --> 

BackgroundCheck/BackgroundSearchPackage/UserArea Element

PositionDetailNo(See the PositionDetail Element section for more information.)

PositionDetail Element

This is XML for passing over the accounting to InstaScreen When the CRA has received payment for the background check outside of InstaScreen.

BackgroundCheck/BackgroundSearchPac kage/UserArea/PositionDetailRequiredDescription
BillableNoBillable – String (64 char)
CostCodeNoCost Code – String (64 char)
DesiredUnitNoDesired Unit – String (16 char)
EmploymentStateNoEmployment State – String (64 char)
JobCodeNoJob Code – String (64 char)
JobLocationNoJob Location – String (64 char)
OptionalField1NoOptional Field 1 – String (64 char)
OptionalField2NoOptional Field 2 – String (64 char)
OptionalField3NoOptional Field 3 – String (64 char)
OptionalField4NoOptional Field 4 – String (64 char)
OptionalField5NoOptional Field 5 – String (64 char)
OptionalField6NoOptional Field 6 – String (64 char)
OptionalField7NoOptional Field 7 – String (64 char)
OptionalField8NoOptional Field 8 – String (64 char)
OptionalField9NoOptional Field 9 – String (64 char)
OptionalField10NoOptional Field 10 – String (64 char)
ReferredByNoReferred By – String (64 char)
ProposedPositionNoProposed Position – String (64 char)
ProposedSalaryNoProposed Salary – String (32 char)


<BackgroundCheck userId="XML_User_Name" password="*********">
  <BackgroundSearchPackage action="submit" type="demo">
        <JobLocation>Taipei, Taiwan</JobLocation>

BackgroundCheck/UserArea Element

CreditCardNo(See the CreditCard Element section for more information.)
CreditCardPaymentNo(See the CreditCardPayment Element section for more information.)

CreditCard Element

CardTypeYesvisa | amex | discover | mastercard
CardNumberYesNumeric (max 16 digits)
CardSecurityNoNumeric (3-5 digits)
ExpireMonthYesNumeric (2)
ExpireYearYesNumeric (4)
FirstNameYesString (64 char)
LastNameYesString (64 char)
BillingStreetAddressYesString (128 char)
BillingCityYesString (128 char)
BillingStateYesString (16 char)
BillingZipYesNumeric (5 or 5-4)


<BackgroundCheck userId="XML_User_Name" password="*********">
  <BackgroundSearchPackage action="submit" type="demo">
      <BillingStreetAddress>1234 MAIN</BillingStreetAddress>

CreditCardPayment Element

This is XML for passing over the accounting to InstaScreen When the CRA has received payment for the background check outside of InstaScreen.

BackgroundCheck/UserArea/CreditCardP aymentRequiredDescription
LastFourNoString (4 char)
TransactionIdNoString (32 char)
AuthorizationCodeNoString (8 char)


<BackgroundCheck userId="XML_User_Name" password="*********">
  <BackgroundSearchPackage action="submit" type="demo">
      <!—Should be a negative amount -->
      <!—Sales Tax should be a positive amount -->

Add To Order

This option can be used to add additional searches to a report that was previously submitted. Before this can be used, the following client preference must be checked: “Allow client to add new search types after order is placed (add to order)”.

<?xml version='1.0'?>
    <BackgroundCheck userId='XML_User_Name' password='*********'>
        <BackgroundSearchPackage action='add'>
                <Screening type='personsearch'>