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Updates to data management and retention settings

Hi everyone!
We’re continuing to make improvements to our data management and retention settings based on user feedback, so we wanted to announce a few updates that will be coming soon.

We are currently working on:

  • Adding a 365-day option for when reports are locked and optionally exported to the archive
  • Making the report lock and optional export timeframe dependent just on the completion date rather than the expiration date, to decrease confusion
  • Adding a 7-year option for data purging (in addition the already planned 1-5 year options)-again, NO DATA IS BEING PURGED now or when these new settings are added. This is just to give you the chance to configure how you would like this to work within your system.
  • Re-labeling and organizing these settings to make them easier to understand.

You should see these changes coming out later this week. We have several other suggestions we are considering, but we wanted to see how well these changes addressed the problem before we take additional steps that might add further confusion rather than simplification.

Agile development and collaboration

Collaborating with our users is important, which is why we first announced this initiative 6 months ago to share our ideas with you to get feedback before we even started building anything. Since then, we’ve hosted 2 data retention webinars, created 9 different articles on how it works and guides for configuring your settings, posted about it 12 times in software news, sent 11 different emails about it, and made tons of tweaks to the plans based on your suggestions. This is the next step based on the feedback we received last week.
We sincerely appreciate the amount of collaboration we’ve received from all of you, and hope that we will continue to be able to work together to find the solutions that work best for all of us. Thanks for your partnerships and support!

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