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TazWorks New Data Retention & Security Policies

As the industry evolves and new legal standards are created, best practices now recommend holding on to personal information for as short a time as necessary.
By limiting the time you (and we) store old reports and personal applicant information, you will:

  • Have fewer security concerns, as there is less data that can be breached.
  • Experience improved system performance.
  • Decrease your litigation risk, especially your exposure to fishing expeditions.

As such, in order to help both our CRAs and TazWorks, we’re making some changes to the way we retain and store data while still trying to give you the most flexibility possible. We’ve talked with many of you to hear your feedback and customize this process to fit your needs, and we’re excited to share the first steps with you.
This overview below will give you a brief update of what each phase will look like as we roll it out. Before each phase, we will give you additional announcements and information so you can be prepared, make changes internally, or ask questions as needed. Thanks for your participation in this process!

Phase 1

What’s new

Settings for data retention & archiving.

Impact on your data

None yet. These settings will not do anything yet—it’s just giving you a chance to prepare and ask any additional questions you may have!


These settings will become available on Wednesday, December 6th.

Actions needed from you before the next phase

1. Go configure your settings in Manage CRA >> Preferences. This is how we will know how and when to archive your reports when the next phase goes live.
If you do NOT need to keep any client files for longer than 5 years:

  • Read this article
  • Change your archiving timeframe if you would like it to be shorter than the 60-day default.

That’s it!
If you DO want to keep files for any of your clients longer than 5 years:

If you do nothing, when phase 2 rolls out:

  • Reports will automatically be archived (locked from further editing) 60 days after their expiration date
  • You and your clients will still be able to access all your data within the TazWorks system as normal
  • We will not create PDFs or export any client’s report files to the external server.

2. Give us feedback and ask questions about the next phases if you have concerns, so we can make sure they are implemented in the way that works best for everyone.

Phase 2

What’s new

Archiving & exporting old reports will begin occurring according to your data retention settings.

Impact on your data

Files older than your archive timeframe will be archived, at which point they will be locked from further editing, though you will still be able to make some administrative changes like resending disclosures or updating charges.
If you have exporting turned on for some of your clients, it will also create an encrypted PDF file that will be saved to the external archive server.
NO data will be lost yet—this is simply creating more copies.


A few weeks after Phase 1.

Actions needed from you before the next phase

1. Make sure your settings are already properly configured in Manage CRA >> Preferences before this turns on.
2. Turn on the archive reminder emails to help you get in the habit of regularly downloading your data.
3. Go download all your historical records from the archive server!
4. Make sure you know how to decrypt your files.
5. Give us feedback and ask questions about the next phases if you have concerns, so we can make sure they are implemented in the way that works best for everyone.

Phase 3

What’s new

Settings to determine at which point your data will be removed from TazWorks servers and the external archive. You will be able to set your preferred timeframe from 1 to 5 years.
We will also release several more guides and information at this time to make sure you have all the resouces you need.

Impact on your data

NO changes will happen yet. Your data will continue archiving and exporting as it was in Phase 2.


Sometime after Phase 2, once we have worked with CRAs to make sure everything is running smoothly and made any needed updates to the existing processes. We will issue several notifications to make sure you know ahead of time.

Actions needed from you before the next phase

1. Set your data purge preferences.
2. Turn on the archive reminder emails if you haven’t already to help you get in the habit of regularly downloading your data.
3. Download all your records older than your data purge setting before the next phase. You will PERMANENTLY LOSE ACCESS to data that exceeds the data purge setting (1-4 years) after Phase 4 goes live, as it will be wiped from the TazWorks servers AND the external archive.
4. Make sure you know how to decrypt your files.
5. Give us feedback and ask questions about the next phase if you have concerns, so we can make sure it rolls out in the way that works best for everyone.

Phase 4

What’s new

Data that exceeds your data purge settings (1-4 years) will begin to be removed from the TazWorks servers and the external archive.

Impact on your data

You will PERMANENTLY LOSE ACCESS to any data older than your set timeframe unless you have downloaded and stored these files elsewhere for your organization.


A couple months after Phase 3. We will issue several notifications and warnings throughout this timeframe to make sure you know when this is coming and can be prepared. We will do everything in our power to make sure that your organization has all the information you need to prepare for and handle this change, and work with you on the timeframe to help give you the time you need.

Actions needed from you before this phase

1. Download all your records older than your data purge setting (1-5 years) before this goes live, or you will PERMANENTLY LOSE ACCESS to this data as it will be wiped from the TazWorks servers and the external archive.
2. Make sure you know how to decrypt your files.
3. Give us feedback and ask questions if you have concerns, so we can make sure it rolls out in the way that works best for everyone.

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