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Self-Authenticating Link Update

We wanted to alert you of an important change that is coming up on June 1st, 2020. This will not affect many of you, but for those using an integration and TazWorks Software, you will want to be prepared. We understand this requires work on TazWorks end and the integrations end, we are looking for feedback and concerns, we want to help you and also implement the most secure link guidelines.

The self-authenticating link timeframe has continued to reduce. Initially we sent out an email on November 20th, 2019 about the change and the timeframe of the link had been reduced to 12 months from 18 months. We then sent out another email to everyone who would be impacted by this change on February 12th, 2020, and the timeframe had been reduced to 6 months from 12 months. We also sent an email on February 14th, 2020 to our partners who would be affected. Now, on June 1st, 2020 the timeframe for the self-authenticating link will be 3 months. The final timeframe and date has not been decided, but we will keep you up to date. 

What is happening? Currently, an integrator can request a self-authenticating link through the XML. The link was available for an extended period of time. The timeframe for the self-authenticating link needed to be reduced significantly. We are making the link available in repeated smaller timeframes, rather than one extended timeframe.

Why is this happening? TazWorks decided to reduce the timeframe of the self-authenticating link for safety and to better secure personal identifying information on the reports.

What now? Once the report is complete, the link is good for the set timeframe (90 days starting June 1st), then it expires. You do not have to reorder a new background check. If you need access again, after the expiration, it will require a login to the software or a new link can be requested through the API. If you are in the link during the expired timeframe, it will not kick you out, but the link will not be accessible after. To better secure the information, the report is still available, just requested in smaller times.

For any questions, reach out to [email protected] or the API site. 

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