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Updates to when files are removed from QuickView disclosure queue

We released an update to our QuickView disclosures! QuickView is a feature that makes managing and sending out disclosures to applicants simple and convenient. Now when you or your client send out disclosures via email from the report results page, in addition to adding a note to the report as before, the disclosures will also be automatically removed from the disclosures queue. This helps reduce redundancy in the queue and only display disclosures that still need to be worked on and sent to applicants. Read more about QuickView and how to utilize this feature for your business.

What’s Changed

  • Disclosures will automatically be removed from the queue when you send them via the report results page.
  • If the disclosure is rejected, declined, etc. a QuickView email will be put back into the queue.
  • If a disclosure is removed from the queue, you will be notified that “A QuickView email was sent to the applicant at (email address) and the disclosure was removed from the queue.”

Note: If you are used to keeping your disclosures you can print the disclosure first, and then email it. If you choose to email the disclosure, it will be removed from the queue automatically.
To read more about the disclosures queue, check out our knowledge base article.

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