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Adjudication criteria now configurable per each client product

Adjudication criteria is now configurable per each client product. Previously, adjudication criteria were configurable only at the client level, which meant the same criteria had to be used for all the different products that client ordered, but now you can have different criteria set for each product if desired. This gives you and your clients an at-a-glance look at what actions or steps you may wish to take based on the parameters that they have specified.

If you’ve already set adjudication criteria for a client

If your client has already set adjudication criteria and you have configured it in the system, you won’t need to change anything. This will simply be renamed to be the default adjudication criteria. As before, this criteria is set at the client level, will apply to any products that client uses, and will be visible from the report results page to help with setting the report decision.
However, you will now have the ability to override this default adjudication criteria and set different ones for each product the client uses, according to the directions they give you.

What’s new

By adding the adjudication option to the client product, the following areas will be affected or added:

Under Manage Client >> Preferences >> Report Decision Tool:

  • Default adjudication criteria: The adjudication criteria you set here has been renamed to “default adjudication criteria,” and each product the client uses will follow the adjudication criteria set at the client level, as before, so that you will see no change to any of your existing processes. When you update your default adjudication criteria, it will apply to all the products using that criteria, just like before.
  • Product list: You will now also have the ability to view which of the client’s products are using the default adjudication criteria so you know which ones will be affected if you change the criteria at the client level.

Under Manage Client >> Product tab >> select product:

  • Client product adjudication criteria: There will now be a field for the adjudication criteria within the configuration of a specific product, below the product notes. This field will only appear when the Report Decision Tool has been turned on. To learn more about the Report Decision Tool and how to use it, click here. You will be able to view or edit the adjudication criteria for just that product here.
  • Custom adjudication criteria: If desired, rather than using the default criteria set at the client level, you can enter custom requirements from your client that are specific just to that one product. This gives you and your client the most flexibility possible.

Learn more about exactly how these pieces work and how you can configure them below.

Setting default adjudication criteria

You can set default adjudication criteria for clients and see what products that default criteria will apply to. To set default adjudication criteria, go to Admin >> Manage Client >> select your client you want to configure this for >> Preferences tab. Under the Report Decision Tool section, if the report decision tool is enabled, you will be able to configure your settings.
Note: The default adjudication criteria you set for a given client will apply to all products you have set for that client. To set a custom adjudication criteria for a single product, see the next section.

Set the default adjudication criteria for clients and see what products that default criteria will apply to in a bar with links

Step 1: Enable the Report Decision Tool to use the adjudication matrix
Step 2: Check the box next to create your adjudication criteria

adjudication criteria with checkboxes for the report decision tool

Step 3: Once the box is selected, you will see three icons display next to it.

Create default adjudication criteria checkbox

Step 4: Click the pencil icon next to this section to enter in your adjudication criteria.

markup text editor for the adjudication criteria

Click Save to save your changes.
You can preview your changes using the eye icon.

adjudication criteria preview box with close option

You can also see the products this default adjudication is applied to by clicking the list icon.

You can also see the products this default adjudication is applied to by clicking the list icon

Setting custom adjudication criteria

You can set custom adjudication criteria for single products for your client. To do this, go to Admin >> Manage Client >> select your client that wants to set custom adjudication >> Products tab.

custom adjudication criteria for single products for your client by pressing a button on a bar

Step 1: Click the product that your client wants to set their custom adjudication for.
Note:  If your client does not want custom adjudication criteria, the products for your client will use the adjudication criteria.
Step 2: The edit product modal will display. You will see the option for client adjudication criteria to set to their default adjudication criteria or create their custom criteria.

edit the product modal with option for the client adjudication criteria to set to their default adjudication criteria or create their custom criteria

Step 3: Enter in the custom criteria your client wants to use in the custom criteria box. This is where you will enter in your client’s provided criteria.

Option to use default or custom criteria with a markup editor

When you’re done entering in their custom criteria, click Save.
Note: Any custom criteria will only show for the client that you created it for.

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