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Advanced QuickApp – First Users Now Open To Everyone

TazWorks is thrilled about the new version of QuickApp that is coming, Advanced QuickApp. We are opening BETA/First-user status to all CRAs now! This will give you adequate time to see it, test it, use it etc. We will be hosting a webinar on January 13th, 2021, and hope that all CRAs using it will attend and come with feedback and questions. To begin using Advanced QuickApp, Legacy version will still be enabled and will not go anywhere, reach out to [email protected].

There is a knowledge-base article with all the information and steps, there is a webinar we did with a small group a while back, there is four walkthroughs on TazHelp that will show you how to use it and our amazing support team can help with any questions as well! Join us today in using Advanced QuickApp!

Related Content

Click here to read the Advanced QA KB article

Click here to watch the webinar on Advanced QuickApp

Go to TazHelp to view the walkthroughs

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