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Supported Browser One Week Reminder

Friendly 7-day (one week!) reminder, that effective July 31, 2019, TazWorks will discontinue supporting IE 11. TazWorks has decided to discontinue the support due to the increasing performance and security gap between IE 11 and other modern internet browsers, and after a thorough evaluation of the resultant challenges and risks.  

If you are using IE you will get daily reminders on the home page when you login to switch browsers by the effective date.  Keep in mind: you can continue to use IE, but TazWorks will not prioritize time or resources to addressing issues that arise from the use of unsupported browsers.

Also, if you are using a supported browser (Firefox, Chrome, or Edge) and it is more than 5 versions behind, you will get a reminder pop-up once a week to update your browser. It’s recommended to always use the most up-to-date version of the browser to avoid getting errors and issues.  

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact [email protected] 

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