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Enhanced capabilities for post-back messages

We have enhanced the
capabilities for Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) to receive post-back messages
through the XML ordering process! Vendor messages can now be displayed in the
ATS, allowing your clients to have more visibility into things like ETAs,
status updates for verifications, or they can see if there are any actions
pending for them to complete.
Vendor messages will still be displayed like
normal within the TazWorks system; however, this is another option for clients
who don’t log in to the system to be able to view these messages. If you’d like
your clients to have the option to view vendor messages within their ATS, you
can configure this in your XML post-back settings.
For more information on managing vendors, you can check out our guide here. To learn more about where and how to add vendor notes,
click here.

What’s changed

  • Under Manage Clients >> Client Configuration >> Preferences tab,  the section ‘applicant data post back’ has been renamed to ‘XML post back options’
  • Vendor messages can be displayed in the ATS when they are received
  • The ATS has the ability to indicate that they want to receive vendor messages as a post back
  • If a vendor message is requested and the client option is enabled, vendor messages should be sent to the ATS as a postback that indicates the message and search it relates to.

Configuring your post-back settings

Step 1: Go to Admin >> Manage Clients >> Client Configuration >> Preferences tab. Scroll down until you get to the XML Post Back Options section.

xpl post back options checklist to include applicant data and allow vendor message post backs

Step 2: To enable this new feature, check the box next to allow vendor message post backs.

Step 3: Click Save to save your changes to that clients’ preferences.

Questions? Concerns? Let us know in the comments below!

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