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Public records search now available through Pitch Point (beta testing)

We are happy to announce that public records searches are now available through our latest integration with Pitch Point! This brand new search type can be an indicator of the financial stability and responsibility of an applicant by providing information on bankruptcies, liens, and judgments. The search checks nationwide, which saves you from manually having to input data into a county site or outsource the search to a third party. This information can be invaluable in helping your clients identify and mitigate potential risk, especially in the tenant industry. Through this new search type, you can now provide additional services to your clients and earn additional revenue opportunities with almost no additional work on your side. Learn more about the type of information you can receive in public records searches and how to get started with Pitch Point.

Getting started with Pitch Point

Step 1: When you choose Pitch Point as a vendor that you’re using, contact them to establish a relationship and get your account username and password.
Step 2: Contact TazWorks support to get your Pitch Point settings turned on.
Step 3: Go to Admin >> Manage Interface Settings >> Data Providers tab.
Select Pitch Point from the list and enter in your username and password that they provided to you, then save.
Step 4: Create or update a product to include this search type. Go to Admin >> Manage Products >> add or select an existing product >> Product Configuration page.
Step 5: On the Product Configuration page, scroll down under Investigative search and select Public Records. Fill out the search price and settings.

pitch point software window public records search

Click Save. Public Records Search will now be available in that product.
Learn more about ordering public records searches here.

Have questions? Let us know in the comments below!

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